Sustainable Self-Care: 30 Days of Walking + Words

Recently, a good friend and I decided to do a 30-day walking challenge. We aimed to walk every day for 30 minutes for a month. We shared this idea with our Instagram communities and it was exciting to see so many people join us.

Every day, I also shared a word to reflect on during the walk or journal time. I was asked by a few people to compile the words and prompts/mantras into a document, so here you go! It’s a complimentary free download, just click the link below.

30 Days of Walking + Words

Taking the time to move my body in a meaningful way really delivered some powerful results. I found that my body needed to walk each day and the fresh air and time away from my desk or house. The simple act of adding words to meditate and reflect on each morning and each time I walked, added to the experience.

Building sustainable self-care habits add up. Doing small things each day adds up. I’ve seen this time and time again for myself, my friends and my life coaching clients. Will you give 30 days of walking + words a try?

To receive additional self-care tips and ideas, encouragement, and more, be sure to sign up for my newsletter and you’ll also receive a free guide to creating your own Morning FLOW Routine. Click here to sign up now.

Happy walking, friend.

Vanessa N. Wright

I guide mothers in midlife to create sustainable self-care practices and help them take authentic action toward their goals and dreams by reclaiming their time, energy, and creativity.

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