40 Things I’m Leaving Behind in My 40s
I can’t stop talking about turning 50.
My birthday is in early January, so the whole “NEW YEAR! NEW YOU!” vibe actually aligns for me.
Here’s the thing…I hate the phrase, “NEW YEAR! NEW YOU!”
Because in early January, I’m in full-on winter mode, recovering from the holidays, and probably not the poster child for anything sparkly and shiny and new.
But…this is a BIG birthday. I’m trying not to let it become my entire personality.
I’m a verbal processor, so I gotta process all my thoughts and feelings out loud. Even if it’s just to myself.
I’ve been reflecting on allllllll the things I’m ready to leave behind in my 40s.
So, naturally, I made a list.
It’s part fun, part dare-to-dream, and part I-mean-business.
And that’s the best part of being in a time of transition.
Holding the magic and curiosity in one hand and the gratitude and reflection in the other.
What a gift.
No matter where you are on your midlife journey, I hope you do it with creativity, energy, and joy.
40 Things I’m Leaving Behind in My 40s
Pants that don’t fit.
Underwear that doesn’t fit.
Bras that don’t fit.
Skipping dessert.
Saying “YES!” when I really mean “NO!”
My menstrual cycle.
Ignoring my intuition.
Finishing books I don’t like.
Saying no to bread.
Overexplaining myself.
The weight of other people’s expectations.
Doing dishes. (Dare to dream)
Trying to be a morning person.
Diets. All of them.
Saving the “good stuff” for special occasions.
Contact lenses.
Parenting young children.
Saving my stickers for special projects.
Putting deadlines on my dreams.
Insomnia (please and thank you)
Negative self-talk.
Imposter syndrome.
Following too many rules.
Saying, “I’m fine,” when I am 100 percent not fine.
Not asking for help.
Carrying things that aren’t mine to carry.
Ignoring my energetic capacity.
Worrying about things I can’t control (a work in progress)
Crappy gluten-free crackers and cookies.
Elf On The Shelf (Bye, Felicia)
Uncomfortable shoes (Sorry, Mom, I’m never wearing heals)
Playing small.
Wasting time feeling bad about my squishy tummy.
Overscheduling and over-committing myself.
Rushing for no reason.
Being tied to methods and things that no longer align with me.
Meal planning. (I tried)
My people-pleasing tendencies.
Vanessa N. Wright