Inspirational Quotes for Midlife Mothers
If you’re like me, you love an inspirational quote.
Over the last few years, I’ve been curating words of wisdom, joy, comfort, and beauty and sharing them in my monthly newsletters.
I’ve pulled them together in one place, so you can write them down and use them in your creative or self-care practices.
Beginnings & Change
"A year from now, you may wish you had started today." - Karen Lamb
"No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anyone but oneself." - Virginia Woolf
"By doing what you love, you inspire and awaken the hearts of others." - Satsuku Shibuya
"Joy is prayer; joy is strength: joy is love; joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls." - Mother Theresa
"When something brings tears of joy to your eyes, a smile to your face, and a surge of joy to your heart, you're at the intersection of your passion and purpose."
Reflection & Growth
"I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June." – L. M. Montgomery
"One way of celebrating the Solstice is to consider it a sacred time of reflection, release, restoration, and renewal." - Sarah Ban Breathnach
"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." - Mary Oliver
"A rainbow is a promise of sunshine after rain. Of calm after storms. Of joy after sadness. Of peace after pain. Of love after loss." - Unknown
"We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails." - Dolly Parton
"If you wouldn't say it to a friend, don't say it to yourself." -Jane Travis
"We cannot do it all, have it all, or master it all. That is simply not a thing." -Jen Hatmaker
"The things that excite you are not random. They are connected to your purpose. Follow them." -Da'ryl Victoria
The Beauty of Seasons
"Ah, September! You are the doorway to the season that awakens my soul." -Peggy Toney Horton
"If a year was tucked inside of a clock, then autumn would be the magic hour." -Victoria Erickson
"Patience is not a light switch. It's a practice." -Tiffany Han
"My favorite color is October." -Unknown
"Simplify your life. Learn to say no." -Anonymous
"What kills a soul? Exhaustion, secret keeping, image management. And what brings a soul back from the dead? Honesty, connection, grace." -Shauna Niequist
"Times of transition are strenuous but I love them. They are an opportunity to purge, rethink priorities, and be intentional about new habits." - Kristin Armstrong.
"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." —Melody Beattie
Winter Reflections and Looking Forward
"It is December, and nobody asked if I was ready." -Sarah Kay
"So quiet and subtle is the beauty of December that escapes the notice of many people their whole lives through. Colour gives way to form: every branch distinct, in a delicate tracery against the sky. New vistas, obscured all Summer by leafage, now open up." — Flora Thompson
"January is the quietest month in the garden… But just because it looks quiet doesn’t mean that nothing is happening." — Rosalie Muller Wright
"January is the month for dreaming." - Jean Hersey
"January is the quietest month in the garden…But just because it looks quiet doesn’t mean that nothing is happening." -Rosalie Muller Wright
"I dwell in possibility." -Emily Dickinson
Renewal and Growth
"This is the song of your soul, Calling you back home." -Lucy H. Pearce
"Daily practice holds the sacred and reliable invitation to relate to where we are, to our lives, to the holy, to what is now." -Molly Remer
"Every cold and dark phase ends and hence begins a beautiful phase of warmth and vibrance. Don’t believe? Just notice March." - Anamika Mishra
"In March, winter is holding back and spring is pulling forward. Something holds and something pulls inside of us too." - Jean Hersey
"Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby..." ― Langston Hughes
Celebrating Life
"Have a rhythm for your day that agrees with your body and soul." -Lisa McCrohan
"Joy is not made to be a crumb." -Mary Oliver
"Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire." -Jennifer Lee
"Discomfort is a part of the process." ― Nedra Glover Tawwab
"We cannot control much of what happens to us in our lives, but if creativity is our default processing response, our ability to heal and transform is enabled." -Lucy H. Pearce
"Successful mothers are not the ones that have never struggled. They are the ones that never give up, despite the struggles." -Sharon Jaynes
"All the “not readies,” all the “I need time,” are understandable, but only for a short while. The truth is that there is never a “completely ready,” there is never a really “right time.” -Clarissa Pinkola Estés
"The more you hang out in the energy of that which you desire, the more effortlessly you will attract it to you." -Jen Sincero
"The desire to reach for the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach hearts is wise." –Maya Angelou
"When you have a dream, you've got to grab it and never let go." ― Carol Burnett
"Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tiptoe if you must, but take a step." —Naeem Callaway
"Autumn teaches us the beauty of letting go. Growth requires release—it’s what the trees do." -Ka’ala
"Just when you feel you have no time to relax, know this is the moment you most need to relax." -Matt Haig
"The evening star is the most beautiful of all stars." -Sappho
"May and October, the best-smelling months? I’ll make a case for December; evergreen, frost, wood smoke, cinnamon." — Lisa Kleypas
"Deep joy is both the ground of love and the surest source of strength to persevere in the course of compassion — even when trials abound, as they often will." — Robert Ellwood
FLOW Sustainable Self-Care Method
Are you a midlife mom looking to reclaim your creativity, energy, and joy?
Download my FLOW Self-Care Guide for FREE! It’s packed with tips, ideas, and printables to plan out your own FLOW self-care practices.
I promise true self-care is doable, sustainable, and fun! Sign up today, and get in the flow.