Peace in the Forest: Finding Your F.L.O.W.

A few years ago, I was working with my mentor and she asked if I felt like I was in my flow.  I was feeling stuck in so many areas of my life.  I was in my early 40s, juggling homeschooling, working from home, some health issues (me and two of my kids), and was feeling disconnected from my passions and purpose.  

I was most definitely not going with my flow. 

As a writer and avid journaler and a lover of acronyms, I sat down one Sunday morning and wrote out the word FLOW.  I proceeded to play around with the letters and brainstormed.

From there, I came up with a concept of Homeschool F.L.O.W. and while that served me for a season, I found that I needed FLOW in all areas of my life.  I needed to start with me and my needs so that I could show up in my life in stronger and more connected ways.

When I shared my concept of Finding Your F.LO.W. I was pleased to see how it resonated with friends (both in real life and in my Instagram community).  Over the last year or so, it’s become my passion and my anchor.  

Ready to F.L.O.W.? Let’s go!


Read the whole post on Peace in the Forest.

Vanessa N. Wright

I guide mothers in midlife to create sustainable self-care practices and help them take authentic action toward their goals and dreams by reclaiming their time, energy, and creativity.

The Nourishing Podcast: finding your nourishing F.L.O.W.


Homeschooling and the Art of Letting Go